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Eddy current losses

  • ansoft eddy current viedo post calculation

    ansoft eddy current viedo post calculation

    标签: calculation current ansoft viedo

    上传时间: 2014-12-22


  • ansoftmaxwell入门及相关基础操

    Ansoft公司的Maww2D/3D是一个功能强大、结果精确、易于使用的二维/三维电磁场有限元分析软件。它包括电场、静磁场、涡流场、瞬态场和温度场分析模块,可以用来分析电机、传感器、变压器、永磁设备、激励器等电磁装置的静态、稳态、瞬态、正常工况和故障工况的特性。它所包含的自上而下执行的用户界面、领先的自适应网格剖分技术及用户定义材料库等特点,使得它在易用性上遥遥领先。它具有高性能矩阵求解器和多CUP处理能力,提供了最快的求解速度。静磁场求解器(Magnetostatic)用于分析由恒定电流、永磁体及外部激磁引起的磁场,是用于激励器、传感器、电机及永磁体等。该模块可自动计算磁场力、转矩、电感和储能用于求解某些涉及到运动和任意波形的电压、电流源激励的设备,可获得精确的预测性能特性。该模块能同时求解磁场电路及运动等强耦合的方程,从而得到电机的相关运行性能●涡流场求解器(Eddy Current用于分析受涡流、集肤效应、邻近效应影响的系统。它求解的频率范围可以从θ到数百兆赫兹,能够自动计算损耗、铁损、力、转矩、电感与储能。允许用户设置多项可变设计量,如位置、形状、源及频率等。可自动计算数千种情况的物理问题分析,而整个过程不许用户干预。在绘制曲线模型时,系统默认的是将封闭后的曲线自动生成面,如果用户不想让其自动生成面,可以在绘制曲线模型前,点击菜单栏中的 Tools/Options/Modeler Options项更改绘图设置。材料库的管理更加方便和直观,新版软件的材料库主要由两类组成,一是系统自带材料库的2D和3D有限元计算常用材料库除此外还有 RMxprt电机设计模块用的电机材料库。二是用户材料库,可以将常用的且系统材料库中没有的材料单独输岀成用户材料库,库名称可自行命名,在使用前须将用户材料库装载进软件中

    标签: ansoft maxwell

    上传时间: 2022-03-17


  • CR6221 Current Mode PWM Power Switch

    CR6221 combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET. It is opti

    标签: Current Switch Power 6221

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • CR6228 Current Mode PWM Power Switch

    CR6228 combines a dedicated current mode PWM controller with a high voltage power MOSFET. It is opti

    标签: Current Switch Power 6228

    上传时间: 2013-05-17


  • COOLMOS全面认识

    Recently a new technology for high voltage Power MOSFETshas been introduced – the CoolMOS™ . Based on thenew device concept of charge compensation the RDS(on) areaproduct for e.g. 600V transistors has been reduced by afactor of 5. The devices show no bipolar current contributionlike the well known tail current observed during the turn-offphase of IGBTs. CoolMOS™ virtually combines the lowswitching losses of a MOSFET with the on-state losses of anIGBT.

    标签: COOLMOS

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • Active Filters

    Power conversion by virtue of its basic role produces harmonics due to theslicing of either voltages or currents. To a large extent the pollution in theutility supply and the deterioration of the power quality has been generatedor created by non-linear converters. It is therefore ironic that power convertersshould now be used to clean up the pollution that they helped to create inthe first place.In a utility system, it is desirable to prevent harmonic currents (which resultin EMI and resonance problems) and limit reactive power flows (whichresult in transmission losses).Traditionally, shunt passive filters, comprised of tuned LC elements andcapacitor banks, were used to filter the harmonics and to compensate forreactive current due to non-linear loads. However, in practical applicationsthese methods have many disadvantages.

    标签: Filters Active

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • AOS mosfet Continuous drain current and bonding wire

    bonding wire与current的关系

    标签: Continuous current bonding mosfet

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • COT Drivers Control LED Ripple Current

    COT Drivers Control LED Ripple Current

    标签: Drivers Control Current Ripple

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --

    S3C44BOX的BIOS。可使用的命令:help --- show help ? --- = help date --- show or set current date time --- show or set current time setweek --- set weekday clock --- show system running clock setmclk --- set system running clock setbaud ------ set baud rate ipcfg ------ show or set IP address load ------ load file to ram comload ------ load file from serial port run ------ run from sdram prog ------ program flash copy ------ copy flash from src to dst address boot ------ boot from flash backup ------ move bios to the top of flash md ------ show memory data move ------ move program from flash to sdram

    标签: help date show current

    上传时间: 2015-01-22


  • enumerates Plug-n-Play RS-232 devices that are compliant with the current revision of Plug and Play

    enumerates Plug-n-Play RS-232 devices that are compliant with the current revision of Plug and Play External COM Device.

    标签: Plug-n-Play enumerates compliant revision

    上传时间: 2015-03-29
